Sunday we started a new sermon series that is going to challenge us to live missional lives. I challenged every member of Union View to commit to two things for the next 5 weeks. First, extravagantly show the love of Christ to someone (outside your family) at least once a week for the next five weeks. Second, share the gospel with at least one person a week for the next five weeks. The point we're trying to make is that God has called us into an incredible story, an epic, and we'll never find full joy or satisfaction in our life until we do what God 'rebirthed' us for. (If you missed the sermon I encourage you to listen to it HERE.)I want to encourage every member of our church to take those challenges seriously. I believe God can use this opportunity to change your life, change our church, and change our community! I also want to encourage you to share your story with us. The first thing you see on our church website is a picture for the epic series. If you click on it you'll be taken to a page where you can briefly tell us how you've shared the gospel with someone. We're not doing this to boast in ourselves. We're sharing how God is using us in order to encourage each other. So take some time during the next 5 weeks and share how God is using you to share the gospel.In case you missed it, here's how the rest of the series is going to go.
- September 5 - finding fuel to live the epic
- September 12 - overcoming obstacles to living the epic
- September 19 - being the church outside the 'church'
- September 26 - WORSHIP IN THE PARK
That last Sunday is going to be amazing. We're going to pack up what we need and have worship outside at Franklinton park. Start praying about who you can invite, and ask God to do something mind-blowing in this community.