Bible Translation: how you can help get the gospel to the nations
In his book The Freedom of a Christian Martin Luther wrote, "One thing and one thing alone leads to Christian life, righteousness, and freedom. This is the holy word of God, the gospel of Christ...To preach Christ means to feed the soul, make it righteous, set it free, and save it, provided the preaching is believed" (52 - 53). There is no doubt that the Bible is absolutely necessary for the life transformation that God demands and we desperately need and long for. We need the Bible, and we need to get it into the hands of every people group on the planet!Yesterday our church focused on the need for Bible translation and how we as individuals and as a church can get involved in bringing the Bible to millions. The numbers that reflect the need can be staggering (click here to see Wycliffe's statistics). One thing that God challenged me with was that doing nothing is not an option. When we see the need we have to pray, give, or go. After church I invited Drew (the Wycliffe missionary who spoke Sunday) and his family to our house to eat. While we were there Drew showed us an incredible video. The six minute video shows the Kimyal people celebrating as they received their first copies of the New Testament translated into their language. Take the six minutes to watch the video. I'll be surprised if God doesn't challenge you with it!
I was absolutely broken when I watched that. I was humbled that I am blessed with the Bible in a language that I can read. I was convicted that I do not celebrate having God's word the way these people did. But I was also encouraged to participate more in making Bible translation a reality. The joy that God's word brings is unmatched! In case you missed your opportunity to connect with Drew, here's a link to his Wycliffe page. From this site you can commit to pray for their family and give financially to help their work. Whatever you do, make sure you do something!