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Looking for a church? Have questions about Jesus? Wrestle with Doubt? Need someone to pray for you? Looking for hope? Whatever it is, we want to talk with you!
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Our Promise to you
We promise not to fill your phone with spam and annoying automated messages. We love Jesus and we love people. A real person will talk with you and, if you want, respect your desire to end the conversation.
we’ve got a seat for you
Sometimes we feel uneasy when we go to a new place. Here's some things to know before your first visit to set you at ease. We're a church of around 130 who love Jesus and people. Every Sunday starts off with food and coffee from 10:30-11:00am. It's a laid back time where people come in when they can, relax, and catch up.
Our service starts at 11:00am and ends at 12:00. There's a nursery every week for kids up to age 4. Parents are also welcome to keep their kids with them during our worship service.
Casual clothing is the norm and we sing modern music with a live band. We typically teach through books of the Bible with a few topical series scatter in throughout the year. You can see what we're preaching on if you click the Sermons page. No matter what week you visit, we’ll make much of Jesus.
13 S. Chavis St. Franklinton, NC 27525
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
— Jesus